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Edit an Active Subscription (ARB)

Edit an Active Subscription

You can edit information for an active subscription from the ARB Subscription Detail page.


To edit an active subscription:

Step 1: Click Edit Subscription. The ARB Subscription Detail page reopens with editable fields.

Step 2: Modify the appropriate fields.

Note: The Subscription Interval and Start Date are not editable. The Trial Period can be edited only if the subscription has not yet started or the subscription is still within the trial period.

Step 3: Click Update to continue. The Subscription Confirmation page opens.

Tips for editing subscriptions:

  • For data security, all sensitive information appears partially or fully masked, even in edit mode. When updating the customer’s Card Number and Expiration Date OR ABA Routing Number and Account Number, be sure to enter the full numbers.

  • The number of Trial Occurrences cannot exceed the total number of recurring transactions for the subscription.

  • The total number of recurring transactions cannot be changed to less than or equal to the number of successfully completed recurring transactions. For example, if the original total number of transactions was 10, and 4 are successfully completed, and you wanted to change the total number of transactions to 7, you need to enter “7” as the new Ends After value. The subscription now has 3 scheduled transactions remaining.

  • Subscriptions cannot be “renewed” once they have been successfully completed or expired. However, you can extend a subscription before it expires by updating the End Date or Ends After value, or by selecting No End Date – which creates an ongoing subscription.


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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
