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Reactivate a Suspended Subscription

You can reactivate a suspended subscription on the ARB Subscription Detail page. Subscriptions with a status of Canceled, Terminated or Expired cannot be reactivated.

Credit card subscriptions can be suspended as a result of authorization or processing errors as well as Address Verification Service (AVS) rejections. If the subscription experiences internal errors, recurring transactions will be re-tried until they are successfully processed.

Because eCheck.Net® transactions are processed by a separate network from credit cards and are not authorized or declined in real time, eCheck.Net subscriptions are not typically suspended or terminated by the payment gateway. Accordingly, it is highly recommended that you monitor your eCheck.Net subscriptions regularly for returns or notices of change in order to resolve any processing issues and successfully maintain your eCheck.Net subscriptions.

IMPORTANT: Suspended subscriptions must be reactivated before the next scheduled transaction occurs. Otherwise, the subscription will be terminated.


To reactivate a suspended subscription:

Step 1: Click Edit Subscription. The ARB Subscription Detail page reappears with editable fields.

Step 2: Review the subscription detail and modify the appropriate information.

Step 3: Click Reactivate Subscription. The Subscription Confirmation page opens.

To create a new subscription, click Enter a New Subscription.

Tips for reactivating suspended subscriptions:

  • Subscriptions that are suspended at the first transaction need to be updated with correct subscription information and a new Start Date. The Start Date should be moved by at least one day into the future (or, if you revise the Start Date to the present day’s date, the transaction will be submitted the following day). If you want to maintain the same billing day for each month, reset the Start Date to the preferred day for the following month. You will then need to resubmit the first recurring transaction manually using the Virtual Terminal or by sending a separate authorization request to the payment gateway.

  • Subscriptions that are suspended after the first or first few transactions have processed successfully need to be updated with correct information before the next recurring transaction. If the information is not corrected, the payment gateway will terminate the subscription. If the new payment information experiences an AVS rejection, the subscription will suspend again until payment information is further updated.

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
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