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Process a Level III Transaction

A step-by-step guide for how to process a Level III transaction.

Level III processing is an advantage Visa and Mastercard offer business to business (B2B) and business to government (B2G) businesses if they meet certain criteria. The criteria is designed to give the buying organization better visibility and control of its company spending. Level III is not for every business and its lower interchange benefits require strict adherence to Visa and Mastercard's rules.

If you need the ability to perform Level III processing, please contact our sales team at 1-866-548-6826.

1. Select Payments in Converge, then click New Payment.
Process a Level III Transaction1

Customers who have Level III processing on their account will see additional fields on the New Payment screen:

  • National/Alternate Tax Amount
  • Freight Amount
  • Freight Tax Amount
  • Duty Amount

Note:  Canadian merchants may see additional tax fields, specific to their province of domicile. 

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Level III Processing 03A

2. Click Start Transaction. At the bottom of the New Payments screen, you will see Tracking as an additional field for Level III processing.Level III Processing02

3. Select Pay and proceed as you would with processing a regular payment. If the required Level III fields are not complete, a message will be displayed that identifies what is missing and gives you the option to go back and provide the missing data or proceed with the transaction.Level III Processing4

4. If you decide to proceed with the transaction, an approval message will be displayed. Click Complete.

Level III Processing5

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
