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Converge Buy Button Guide

Add a payment button or payment link to your website or emails to make online payments super easy for your customers. Converge offers a "Buy Button" which can be configured to accept fixed amounts or to provide your customers an opportunity to input the amount they want to pay. The button has tons of uses - from accepting deposits to free-form donations, to accepting a remaining balance on a big purchase.

It only takes a few steps to create and activate a button if you have an Internet Terminal on your Converge account. If you do not have an internet terminal, and would like to add one, please contact customer service.


1. Select Settings in Converge.
 Converge Buy Button Guide1 

2. Then, select Buy Button.

3. Click Create on the Buy Button page. 
Converge Buy Button Guide2

4. Begin customizing the button/hyperlink for purchases on the New Buy Button/Link page.        

5. Add information in the Pricing section. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. Scroll to complete the Settings and Design sections.Converge Buy Button Guide3

6. In the Settings section, choose where you want customers to be directed after they click on the button/link. You can choose for customers to be directed to a hosted payment page or digital wallet provider such as PayPal or Visa Checkout. We recommend you direct customers to the Hosted Payment Page which can also offer all of the available digital wallets versus directing your customers to a single wallet provider. Please note, by directing your customers to the Hosted Payment Page, you will need to take the additional steps of customizing your built-in Hosted Payment Page. To learn more, see Customize the Hosted Payments Page.
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7. You can preview a draft of your button/hyperlink on the right. Click the green Generate Button to view the HTML code.Converge Buy Button Guide6

8. Click Copy to Clipboard after you've generated the HTML code. Now, you're able to paste the HTML wherever you need it to sit on your website by accessing your website's Source Code. If you've created a link, then the link can be pasted into your email or Microsoft Word document, or wherever you'd like to add the link using the normal processes for adding a link in those programs.

To see a step-by-step tutorial video of adding a Buy Button, check out the video here

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
