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ARU Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

Quick Reference Guide

ARU Phone Number: 1-800-551-4006

Helpful Hints

> Frequent callers from the same phone number will be recognized by the system

after 3 calls within 7 days. The system will automatically bypass your merchant

number entry.

> If you call into the system with a touch-tone phone, but the system is not

recognizing your input, make sure your phone is set to tone and not pulse.

> Pressing the pound [#] key will interrupt the system and move you onto the next

prompt. (NOTE: you cannot interrupt during any playback message)

> Pressing the star [*] key will take you back one step to replay the previous prompt.

> At the end of a transaction, if you do not press a key, the system will automatically

disconnect after a few seconds.

> The system will not acknowledge invalid entries on the following data until after

it attempts processing the transaction:

• bank number

• merchant number

• card number

• expiration date

> The system will automatically recognize pre-set numbers and go onto the next

prompt and not require you to press [#]. For instance:

• 16-digit credit card numbers

• 4-digit expiration date

> Calling into the ARU on some of the 800 numbers does require a 4-digit Bank

number entry. Refer to your ARU sticker for this number.

> The ARU system settles your batches electronically, therefore, there is no need

for paper deposits.

To Access Main Menu
Access to main menu is required
for each ARU transaction
> Press [1]
> Input Merchant ID Number and press [#]
NOTE: Bank Number is required on some
of the 800 numbers. Refer to ARU sticker
for Bank Number.
Main Menu
For authorizations Press [1]
For batch settlement Press [2]
For inquiries Press [3]
To report a lost or stolen card Press [4]
For adjustments (credit/voids) Press [5]
For address verification Press [6]
For code 10 or to speak Press [0]
with an operator


Sale (without AVS)
> Press [1] then [1]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Input $ amount and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] for additional authorizations,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Sale (with AVS)
> Press [1] then [2]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Input $ amount and press [#]
> Input numerical portion of street address
> Input 5- or 9-digit zip code
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] for additional authorizations,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

> Press [1] then [3]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Input numeric authorization code and
press [#] (if alphanumeric, press [0])
> Press [#] for additional authorizations,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Auth On Foreign Shipments
> Press [1] then [4]
> You will be transferred to an operator for
further assistance


> Press [5] then [1]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Input $ amount and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] for additional authorizations,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Void a Sale
> Press [5] then [2]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Input $ amount and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] for additional authorizations,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Void a Credit
> Press [5] then [3]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Input $ amount and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] for additional authorizations,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Batch Settlement

Manual Settle

> Press [2] then [2]
> Input batch amount and press [#]
> If (+) press [#], if (–) press [*]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Input total number of transactions and
press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Auto Settle
> Press [2] then [1]
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [#] to hear batch counts, [1] for
main menu or [*] to exit
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Address Verification Service
> Press [6]
> Input card #
> Input 4-digit expiration date
> Input numerical portion of street address
> Input 5- or 9-digit zip code

Inquiries on Batch Totals*

Current Batch Totals (fax)
> Press [3] then [1] then [1]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Current Batch Totals (audio)
> Press [3] then [1] then [1]
> Press [#]
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit
Previous Batch Totals (fax)
> Press [3] then [1] then [2]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Previous Batch Totals (audio)
> Press [3] then [1] then [2]
> Press [#]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Other Batch Totals (fax)
> Press [3] then [1] then [3]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Input month, day, year batch was settled
and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Other Batch Totals (audio)
> Press [3] then [1] then [3]
> Press [#]
> Input month, day, year batch was settled
and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue1
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Inquiries on Batch Detail*

Current Batch Detail (fax)

> Press [3] then [2] then [1]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Current Batch Detail (audio)
> Press [3] then [2] then [1]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect**
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Previous Batch Detail (fax)
> Press [3] then [2] then [2]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Previous Batch Detail (audio)
> Press [3] then [2] then [2]
> Press [#]
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue1
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Other Batch Detail (fax)
> Press [3] then [2] then [3]
> Input fax # and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Input month, day, year batch was settled
and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Input batch GBOK control # and press [#]
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Other Batch Detail (audio)
> Press [3] then [2] then [3]
> Press [#]
> Input month, day, year batch was settled
and press [#]
> Press [#] if correct or [*] if incorrect
> Input batch GBOK control # and press [#]
> Press [*] to repeat or [#] to continue1
> Press [#] to inquire on other batches,
[1] for main menu or [*] to exit

Card Inquiry on Current Batch
> Press [3] then [3]
> Input card # and press [#]
> Press [*] to repeat or [*] to continue2
> Press [1] for main menu or [*] to exit

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
