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Recurring Credits (ACH Processing only)

The Recurring Credits option enables a user to create continuing payments for vendors or issue continuous credits to a customer.

1. Log in to the system, and select Transactions from the left menu bar.

2. Under ACH Processing, select Recurring Credits.

3. Search for and select a customer.
4. Complete the required billing, account, and payment information fields designated by an asterisk.
• To Account: Select into what account the funds will be submitted.

• Location: Indicate from what location funds will be taken.
• Credit/Refund Amount: Indicate the dollar amount for the credit/refund.
• Frequency: Indicate how often the customer’s account will be credited (once a month, every two weeks, once a quarter, etc.).
• Payment Day: Indicate on what day of the month the credit will occur. Available days range from the 1st to the 31st.
• Start Date: Specify on what date the credits will begin by using the calendar option or typing a date in MM/DD/YYYY format in the field provided.
• # of Payments: Indicate how many credits/refunds will be processed. You may select a number of credits or Indefinite. This field also includes the option Stop Recurring in the event credits to a customer must come to a halt.
• Payment Origin: Indicate how the payment was originated (fax signature, signature original).

5. Select Continue to finish.

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
