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Recurring Payments

Customers can request that continuing payments be electronically debited from their account. The user must obtain signed authorization from a customer before processing the payment.

NOTE: Recurring transactions are prepared for processing the night before. For a recurring payment to be on time, set up the payment at least 24 hours before the first payment must be sent for processing. For example, set up a recurring payment on the 4th before the payment runs on the 6th.

1. Log in to the system, and select Transactions from the left main menu.

2. Select Recurring Payments, either from ACH Processing or Card Processing.

3. Search for and select a customer.

4. Fill out all of the billing and account information for a recurring payment, as needed.

5. For ACH recurring payments, specify whether there is a NACHA-required authorization obtained from the customer about the recurring payment.

6. Select Process Payment to finish.

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
