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Quick Pay Payments

Quick Pay Payments

Quick Pay payments allow you to process a one-time payment from a customer, provided that you have the appropriate customer authorization to run a payment. For information about registering a new customer or modifying existing registered customers, please refer to the “Registering Customers: Creating a New Customer” section below.

Preauthorized Payments

With a signed authorization, you may process a one-time electronic check payment using the Preauthorized Payments option. Follow the steps below to process a one-time preauthorized payment.

1. Log in to the system, and select Transactions from the left main menu.

2. Select Preauthorized Payment, either under ACH processing or card processing, depending on the type of payment you wish to process.

3. Fill out all required payment and customer information fields, which are designated by an asterisk. Once all required fields have been filled out, complete any optional fields as desired. Select Continue at the bottom of the page.

4. ACH payments have a NACHA requirement for customer authorization compliance. For ACH payments, follow the prompts to specify the appropriate authorization you have. This is not a requirement for credit card payments. Select Process Payment to continue.

5. A payment confirmation appears. To see the transaction, select View Transaction, or select Process Another Transaction to run an additional payment.

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  1. Justine Krebs

  2. Posted
