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Payment Status Definition


The transaction has been verified and will be processed at the designated cut-off time.


The transaction has been transmitted to the appropriate network (ACH or Check 21). Changes can no longer be made, and the transaction can no longer be voided.


(ACH Only) The transaction, originally returned NSF, has been re-presented to the Fed by ProfitStars, and funds were recovered.

Awaiting Capture

Status for credit card transactions. This status also applies to PayNearMe transactions in the process of being funded.

Awaiting Approval

The transaction has been verified, but the amount of the transaction exceeded the Dual Authorization limit of the user who created it. An authorized approver must review, and then either approve or void the transaction.


The transaction has been declined by the Enterprise Payment Solutions (EPS) system and will not be processed. The transaction exceeded either Dual Authorization limits or Velocity limits.


The transaction has been voided and will not be processed. Transactions may not be voided once the item is in the Processed status.


An internal error has occurred within the EPS system. Contact your first line of support.

In Collection

(ACH Only) The transaction, returned NSF, is in the process of being re-presented to the Fed by ProfitStars.

In Research

May be used by your support group.

This includes the total number of transactions and total amount that have been returned with one of five Unauthorized Return Reason Codes (R05, R07, R10, R29, and R51).
Note: These R codes will no longer be included in the Disputed status totals.

Uncollected NSF
(ACH Only) The transaction was returned to ProfitStars NSF by the Federal Reserve, and funds could not be recovered.

The transaction has been verified, but it has exceeded velocity limits.

(ACH Only) The transaction was returned to ProfitStars by the Federal Reserve because the account holder at the receiving financial institution has disputed its validity. The transaction will be charged back (reversed).

Invalid/Closed Account
(ACH Only) The transaction was returned to ProfitStars by the Federal Reserve because the account number at the receiving financial institution was invalid or because the account was closed.

The transaction has been moved into a Resolved status by a user to indicate that no further action related to the transaction is required. Transactions can be moved into a Resolved status from a status of: Declined, Voided, Invalid/Closed Account, Disputed, Uncollected NSF, Unauthorized, Error, or In Research.

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  1. Justine Krebs

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